Kelly Werts: Annual Birthday Jam

Sat. July 22nd, 2023, 1-2:30 p.m.
McBride Studio, 640 KS-177, Matfield Green, KS 66862

After working for more than thirty years as a performer, recording artist and producer throughout the Midwest, Kelly Werts has retired to the town of Matfield Green. He loves playing traditional acoustic music with friends and neighbors, making occasional appearances around the area, and doing recording projects at his home studio.

This year’s third annual birthday jam will feature Kelly at the keyboard with special musical guests Diana Werts (accordion), Katherine Hamm (violin), and Carole Brown (bass). Kelly welcomes volunteers from the audience to jam on well-known old time tunes, and for those who don’t play an instrument, there will be singing as well, with song lyrics provided!